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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Hulk

To find food that are indeed healthy for you may be a challenge. In the previous blog posts we’ve focussed on some plants and their share in a healthy diet. This blog post is not different from those. In this blogpost we will focus on the Pistachio nut, its nutritional and health benefits. Sit back, get your nuts and let’s dive into the healthy world of the Pistachio nut:  Pistachio tree  The pistachio tree ( Pistacia vera ), has wide-spreading branches but rarely exceeds 9 metres  and is also part of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae). Pistachio is popular for   its edible seeds, grown in dry lands in warm or temperate climates. The pistachio tree is believed to be indigenous to Iran. It is widely cultivated from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean region and in California. The seed kernels, greenish by color,  can be eaten fresh or roasted and are commonly used in a variety of desserts such as ice cream. Pistachio “nuts”  are drupes just like Almonds, as discussed in “ Nut or Not?”      

Nut or Not ?

The plant kingdom is very fascinating. Besides the leaves and fruits, they also provide a wide variety of edible roots, stems and seeds. The almond tree is an example of providing  edible seeds. The almond seed (or for the convenience we will call it just almond) is one of the many fascinating edible seeds, with a lot of nutritional and health benefits. In this blog we will discuss 9 facts about the almond seed.  The almond tree Almond seeds are logically seeds of almond trees. Almond trees are native to Iran and the surrounding countries and can grow up to 10 meters. This tree is believed to grow in Mediterranean climates, still it is widespread into more tropical parts of the world. There are two variants of almonds , the sweet and bitter ones. The sweet almonds ( Prunus dulcis variety dulcis) are commonly used for consumption. The oil of bitter almonds ( Prunus dulcis variety amara)  is used in the manufacture of flavouring extracts for foods and liqueurs, though prussic acid mus

A Healthy Family

Oranges, limes, key limes, grapefruits, lemon and the list goes on. All of the aforementioned fruits are part of the Citrus family. All of us have consumed these delicious, sometimes sour fruits. They are known for their richness in vitamin C. But what else do you know about the citrus family? In this blog we will look at 7 interesting facts about the citrus family.  Full of Vitamin C and other nutrients Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient that strengthens the immune system and keeps your skin smooth and elastic. In fact, just one medium orange has all the vitamin C you need in a day .Citrus fruits also have good amounts of other vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly, including B vitamins, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and copper. Additionally, they are rich in plant compounds that have various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.These compounds include over 60 varieties of flavonoids, carotenoids