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Showing posts from April, 2020

Super Ginger!

Humans are known to consume the roots of many plants. Most of them have medicinal powers, dietary- and health benefits. Some of the most popular roots( root vegetables) we consume ranging from yams to turnips and from sweet potato to beats. In this blog we will discuss one of the “super” roots, called ginger. We will look at 7 facts about ginger.  Ginger is a root. Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems (false stems made of the rolled bases of leaves) about one meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades. The inflorescences bear pale yellow with purple flowers and arise directly from the rhizome on separate shoots.                 Long lost cousin of Turmeric.  Turmeric ( Curcuma longa) and Ginger ( Zingiber officinale) are both part of the ginger family ( Zingiberaceae ). The appearance of both roots are very similar. The differences

A Sweet Mystery

Ferrero Rocher, Hershey’s, Toblerone, Cadbury and many more are among the most popular chocolate brands. They produce a wide variety of chocolaty treats.Chocolate is one of the most popular and craved food/snack.The majority of people love this sweet treat, but how much do you know about chocolate? In this blog we will discuss 10 facts about chocolate.  Chocolate is a product of the Cocoa tree.  The cocoa tree is native to tropical regions. The fruits of this plant are harvested for their beans, cocoa beans, to make chocolate. The seeds are dried up, roasted and fermented, then liquidize to create chocolate. Chocolate liquor, cocoa solids, cocoa butter are some other products made with the cocoa beans.       Chocolate is bitter.  Real chocolate-lovers and chocolate enthusiasts will already know this, but for those unfamiliar with this it may come as a shock. The cocoa beans have a bitter taste by nature. To let the chocolate most of us consume taste sweeter, they add a great amount of